[Table of Contents] 
Section VI - Mental Health/Counseling
This directory has been developed to help individuals and groups locate services. A listing in this directory does not indicate an endorsement of any kind by Step Ahead nor does an omission of a service indicate a lack of endorsement.
Counseling Services
BehaviorCorp 602 Ransdell Rd.
Lebanon, IN 46052
Provides individual, family and group counseling; child,
adolescent, adult therapy; psychological and psychiatric
services; drug/alcohol services; and adult day treatment.
Accepts Medicaid and other forms of insurance.
Boone County Mental Health Association
1122 N. Lebanon St., Lebanon, IN 46052
Contact Person: Jane Taylor 765-482-3020
Provides needs assessments, Anger Management, Active
Listening Groups, consultations and referral services.
Cummins Behavioral Health Services Inc.
1005 S. Meridian Street
Lebanon, IN 46053
888/244-6083 (emergency, after-hours)
Provides individual, family and group counseling; child,
adolescent, adult therapy; psychological and psychiatric
services; drug/alcohol services; and adult day treatment.
Accepts Medicaid and other forms of insurance.
Family Service 327 N. Lebanon St., Suite 103
Lebanon, IN 46052
Fax: 765-482-0694
Hours: Monday (10am - 7pm), Tuesday (1pm - 9pm),
Wednesday (10am - 7 pm)
Family Service provides counseling to individuals, couples
and families for a variety of mental health issues. Services
may be accessed by calling the office number. Family
Service accepts Medicaid, is on numerous insurance and
employee assistance programs and has a sliding fee scale
for those not covered by insurance.
Meridian Health Group 129 Lakeshore Drive
Lebanon, IN 46052
Provides individual, group, family, and marital therapy;
psychiatric services; psychological services (includes
testing for children and adolescents; academic testing;
Adult Intensive Outpatient-Drug/Alcohol Program. Accepts
Medicaid and other forms of insurance.
Inpatient Mental Health Facilities
BehaviorCorp 602 Ransdell Rd.
Lebanon, IN 46052
Provides individual, family and group counseling; child,
adolescent, adult therapy; psychological and psychiatric
services; drug/alcohol services; and adult day treatment.
Accepts Medicaid and other forms of insurance.
Community North Hospital
Cummins Behavioral Health Services, Inc.
317-272-3330 or 800-860-3330; 24 hours
Provides inpatient mental health services for all ages at
various sites. Serves Boone County.
St. Vincent's Stress Center
Witham Memorial Hospital
Transitions Senior Behavioral Health Unit 2605 N. Lebanon St.
Lebanon, IN 46052
765-483-3960 or 877-494-8426; 24 hours
Website: http://www.witham.org/
Offers inpatient behavioral services designed for persons 60
and older suffering from acute psychiatric symptoms of the
severity to require inpatient admission. Program components
include crisis stabilization; individual, group and family
therapy; physical therapy and other ancillary services as
Support Groups
Alcoholics Anonymous
136 E. Market St., Room 1030
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Alzheimer Caregiver Support Group Hendricks Community Hospital
1000 E. Main St.
Danville, IN 46122
Adult Survivors of Abuse
Contact Person: Jodi Higbee 765-482-4595
Autism/Asperger's Family Support Group
Meets at 7 pm - 3rd Wednesday of each month at Centenary United Methodist Church (910 Fordice Rd., Lebanon); Contacts: Candace Ulmer (317-769-3500 or clu@tds. net), Alishia MacKinnon (765-483-1267 or alishiamack innon@sbcglobal.net), Leanne Piper (765-483-8102 or piper4@sbcglobal.net)
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis - ALS Assoc. of IN
8385 Hampton Circle West
Indianapolis, IN 46256
Arthritis Foundation, Indiana Chapter
8646 Guion Rd.
Indianapolis, IN 46268
602 Ransdell Rd.
Lebanon, IN 46052
Cancer Support Group
Hendricks Community Hospital
1000 E. Main St.
Danville, IN 46122
St. Vincent's Hospitals and Health Services
2001 W. 86th St.
Indianapolis, IN 46260
Children's Mental Health Advocacy Project
Patty Gates - group facilitator 307 N. Grant St.
Lebanon IN 46052
Email: cmhap@cmhap.org or patty@pattygates.net
This group meets periodically when presentations are
available. A wide variety of concerns are included. Primary
focus is on crisis needs and resources for educational
opportunities (seminars, conferences, workshops, etc.) An
atmosphere of confidential concern is provided for children
of all ages - birth to adulthood.
American Diabetes Assoc. - Grand Land Region
7363 East 21st St.
Indianapolis, IN 46219
317-352-9226 or 800-228-2897
GRINS Grandparents Rights & New Strength
Support and information for grandparents denied visitation
by custodial parents
American Heart Association - Metropolitan Region
8645 Guion Rd.
Indianapolis, IN 46268
American Lung Association of Indiana
9410 Priority Way West Dr.
Indianapolis, IN 46240
National Kidney Foundation of Indiana
911 East 86th St., Suite 100
Indianapolis, IN 46240
317-722-5640 or 800-382-9971
Parkinson's Awareness Assoc. of Central IN
4755 Kingsway Dr., Suite 333
Indianapolis, IN 46205
Stroke Club - Crossroads Rehabilitation Center
4740 Kingsway Dr.
Indianapolis, IN 46205
Women In Difficult Relationships
Contact Person(s): Jane Taylor 765-482-3020
Tracey Christner 765-482-6860
This group is offered on the first and third Tuesday every
month. Free babysitting is provided. The location of this
meeting is not publicized. Contact with Tracey and/or Jane
is necessary if a person would like to attend.
Witham Memorial Hospital
2605 N. Lebanon St.
Lebanon, IN 46052
Website: http://www.witham.org/
Women's Issues Group
Contact Boone County Health Department
Parenting Education Programs
Healthy Families Indiana
Contact Person: Chris Whitsitt
1122 N. Lebanon Street
Lebanon, IN 46052
765-485-0095 ext. 11
Provides in-home support services to teenage mothers in
Boone County. Services include information and referral
to available resources; education about early childhood,
budgeting and personal finance; and emotional support.
Services begin 2 weeks after delivery and continue until the
child enters kindergarten.
Mental Health Association
"I'm Thumbody" Self Esteem Program (grade 3), "Me in
Mental Health" (grade 6), "Self Esteem and Job Search
Skills" (learning disabled and mildly mentally handicapped
students). "Nurturing Parent Program" (parents and
children referred by the Division of Family and Children
Services). Programs provided at no cost. (See Crisis Line
Purdue Extension-Boone County
Fathering Program: It's My Child Too
1300 E. 100 S.
Lebanon, IN 46052
Provides short-term education and training program
for Boone County teen fathers. Course covers basic
information and skills involved in parenting, early
childhood development and stress management. Court
referral required.
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Last modified: 16 October 2006/tlm.
This page maintained by of BCCN.