
February 2005 Community Calendar - Boone County, Indiana
Send a message to BCCN to add your community event to the BCCN calendar!
Recurring Events
- Boone County Community Network Board of Directors - meets every other month on the second Wednesday of the month at noon at the Boone REMC Community Room. (Next meeting will be in March 2005.)
- Boone County Landmarks Preservation, Inc. - meets the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm at the Lebanon Public Library. "Working to save our historic structures."
- Children's Mental Health Advocacy Project (CMHAP) Parent's Support Group - This is for parents of troubled children of all ages. We meet the 3rd Wednesday of each month (no meeting in June, July, and August) at 7:00 p.m. at Centenary United Methodist Church (in Lebanon) in one of the classrooms. Educational materials provided and an atmosphere of confidential concern. Many concerns included - such as mood disorders, behavior issues, substance abuse, etc. Please call or email (cmhap@cmhap.org) for more information - Patty Gates (group facilitator - 765-482-0510).
- Community Bingo the 4th Tuesday of each month at Hickory Creek at Lebanon. The public is welcome. Refreshments and prizes for all. Games begin at 2:30 pm.
- Community Euchre Club every Wednesday at 2:00 pm at Hickory Creek at Lebanon. The public is welcome.
- Community Farmers' Market every Saturday Morning (indoors during the winter) at the Thorntown Heritage Museum (124 West Main Street, Thorntown) from 8:30-Noon. Open All Year - free admission. Featuring seasonal produce, baked goods, free-range meats, poultry, and fiber from farms in the area, and traditional arts and crafts of local artisans. Meet the farmers, artists, and animals who participate! Customers and vendors welcome. For more information, please contact
- Girl Scouts - Sterling Service Unit Leader Meeting - meets the third Monday of every month (except December) from 7-8pm at Boone REMC. Contact
(765-482-4593) for more information.
- Girl Scouts - Sterling Service Team Meeting - meetings the 1st Thursday of every month (except December) from 7-8pm at Boone REMC. Contact
(765-482-4593) for more information.
- Habitat for Humanity of Boone County, Inc.
- Family Selection Committee Meetings (where people who might qualify for a Habitat home can learn more about the process) - meets at 6:00 pm on the third Tuesday of each month at the Central Christian Church, 311 E. Main St.(Corner of East Main St, Park St, and Indianapolis Ave.) in Lebanon.
- General Monthly Board Meeting - meets at 7:00 pm on the third Tuesday of each month at the Central Christian Church, 311 E. Main St.(Corner of East Main St, Park St, and Indianapolis Ave.) in Lebanon.
- Jamestown Community Lions Club meets every second and fourth Thursday at 7:30 pm at the Jamestown Pizza King - Meeting Room
- Lebanon Golden K (Kiwanis) - meets every Tuesday at 9:30 am at Boone REMC Community Building in Lebanon
- Lebanon Kiwanis - meet every Thursday at noon at the Ramada Inn in Lebanon.
- Lebanon Lions Club meets every second and fourth Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. at the Lebanon Elks Club.
- Parent Support Group (sponsored by the Boone County Step Ahead Council) meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm at the Centenary United Methodist Church (910 Fordice Rd, Lebanon). Join us for reading, discussion, sharing of resources and concerns in parenting. Winter 2004 term discussion leader: Melissa Molter, MSW. Group Facilitator:
- Tri Kappa - meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm at the First Baptist Church in Lebanon
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Events by Date
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- Baskeball legend Damon Bailey and author Wendell Trogdon will sign copies of their books at Western Boone vs.Tri-West basketball game from 6 to 8 pm at Tri-West High School in Lizton.
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- The Zionsville Showcase - a choral competition hosted by Zionsville Community High School. More details to come.
- Thorntown-Western Boone Little League Registration from 9 am to 1 pm for all girls and boys (ages 5 to 18) in the Western Boone School District at the Thorntown-Western Boone Little League office (located upstairs in the concession stand at the Thorntown Park). Registration will take place for the boy's and girl's baseball program, as well as a girl's softball program. (Additional registration dates: Monday, February 7th from 5:30-8 pm, and Saturday, February 12th, from 9 am to 1 pm)
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- Thorntown-Western Boone Little League Registration from 5:30-8 pm for all girls and boys (ages 5 to 18) in the Western Boone School District at the Thorntown-Western Boone Little League office (located upstairs in the concession stand at the Thorntown Park). Registration will take place for the boy's and girl's baseball program, as well as a girl's softball program. (Additional registration dates: Saturday, February 5th from 9 am to 1 pm, and Saturday, February 12th, from 9 am to 1 pm)
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- Thorntown-Western Boone Little League Registration from 9 am to 1 pm for all girls and boys (ages 5 to 18) in the Western Boone School District at the Thorntown-Western Boone Little League office (located upstairs in the concession stand at the Thorntown Park). Registration will take place for the boy's and girl's baseball program, as well as a girl's softball program. (Other registration dates: Saturday, February 5th, from 9 am to 1 pm, and Monday, February 7th from 5:30-8 pm)
- Auditions for the 2005 Season for Theatre at the Milk Building from noon to 3pm (a second audition will be held on February 15). The performances run from April to November and include two hilarious comedies and one tale of horror. Diverse character types and ages needed (ages 18 and up). Readings will be from scripts - no prepared monologues necessary. Technical support volunteers also encouraged to attend. Theatre at the Milk Building is located at 904 E. Walnut Street (at Indianapolis Avenue), Lebanon IN 46052. See www.themilkbuilding.com for more information or call 765-483-6455.
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- Monthly Meeting of the Boone County Sewing Guild (neighborhood group of the American Sewing Guild). Two meetings will take place on that day at 12:30 and 6:30pm. This month we will be making fabric watchbands with a Valentine theme. The meetings are held at the home of Kathy Budd, 6115 W. County Road 50 South, Lebanon. The program is the same at each meeting and participants are welcome to come to either or both. Those wishing to stay and sew between meetings are also welcome to do so. We do ask that you register in advance for the meetings to ensure adequate space and to get information on supplies needed for the project. For more information, or to register, call Budd at (765) 482-5434, or Mary Marrs at (765) 482-4056.
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- Eagle Township Parks and Recreation Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Zionsville Police Building.
- Auditions for the 2005 Season for Theatre at the Milk Building beginning at 7pm (auditions also held on February 12). The performances run from April to November and include two hilarious comedies and one tale of horror. Diverse character types and ages needed (ages 18 and up). Readings will be from scripts - no prepared monologues necessary. Technical support volunteers also encouraged to attend. Theatre at the Milk Building is located at 904 E. Walnut Street (at Indianapolis Avenue), Lebanon IN 46052. See www.themilkbuilding.com for more information or call 765-483-6455.
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- 2nd Annual Snowball 10K Run, 5K Fun Run/Walk to benefit Morning Dove Therapeutic Riding Inc. To register, please contact
or call (317) 873-9636. Registration forms also are available at Akards True Value Hardware in the Boone Village Shopping Center, Zionsville. Registration deadline is February 10th. Entries are accepted after Feb. 10th and on race day; however, shirts and race packets are not guaranteed. Check in is from 8am to 8:45am in the Zionsville High School cafeteria. 10K run begins at 9am, and the 5K fun run/walk begins at 9:15am.
- 2005 Sewing Seminar hosted by the Boone County Extension Homemakers. Registration and merchant displays will begin at 8:30 am. A $17.00 registration fee will include all morning demonstrations and lunch. Additional charges will be incurred for the afternoon workshops. These costs will vary according to the workshop you select to attend.
- Instructional Volleyball League sponsored by Boone County Family YMCA. Looking for a way to improve your volleyball game? Get Out and Play! If you are a girl between the ages of 7 and 12, join the Boone County Family YMCA for our non-competitive, learning league designed to teach basic skills and instill a love of the game! Held at Hattie B. Stokes Elementary, 1005 Hendricks Drive, Lebanon, between 1pm and 3 pm on five consecutive Saturdays beginning February 19, 2005. Registration deadline is Wednesday February 16, 2005. Space is limited, so pre-registration is required. Cost: $50 per participant. T-shirt included. To register, please contact
at 765.482.5960.
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- Parent Information Meeting - Young Life is coming to Lebanon and Western Boone High Schools. Young Life is a non-denominational, Christian organization committed to impacting kid's lives and preparing them for the future. For more than six decades, Young Life has been introducing adolescents to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith, while providing a fun, strong, positive influences in their lives. The meeting will be held at The Lebanon Business Plaza at 7pm, Suite #388 located at Exit #140 off I-65 across from the Holiday Inn Express. For more information contact: LeeAnne Nash at 765-482-3548. Visit www.younglife.org and join us for the time of your children's lives!
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- Boone County Family YMCA's 2nd Annual Meeting from 8-8:30 pm at C.F. Jones Group (825 Hendricks Drive, Lebanon). Light refreshments will be served. You are invited!
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- Attention Uninsured Seniors! Free Seminar on Saving on Prescription Costs by John Cowan, Pharmacist and owner of Cowan's Pharmacy & Parkside Pharmacy. Seminar is at 3 pm at Hickory Creek at Lebanon, 1585 Perry Worth Rd. Learn how to save up to 40% off your prescription drugs. Find out why over 1 million qualified seniors have already joined this program for great savings on prescription drugs. Refreshments will be served. Call 765-482-6391 for directions.
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- Instructional Volleyball League sponsored by Boone County Family YMCA. Looking for a way to improve your volleyball game? Get Out and Play! If you are a girl between the ages of 7 and 12, join the Boone County Family YMCA for our non-competitive, learning league designed to teach basic skills and instill a love of the game! Held at Hattie B. Stokes Elementary, 1005 Hendricks Drive, Lebanon, between 1pm and 3 pm on five consecutive Saturdays beginning February 19, 2005. Registration deadline is Wednesday February 16, 2005. Space is limited, so pre-registration is required. Cost: $50 per participant. T-shirt included. To register, please contact
at 765.482.5960.
- 32th Annual Lebanon Area Boys & Girls Club Auction starting at 7 pm at the Lebanon Middle School. There will be a Nickel Carnival (a nickel for each game) for the kids also starting at 7:00 pm. Money raised will be used in the programs for the 1400 members of the Lebanon Area Boys & Girls Club.
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Last updated: 17 February 2005/tlm.
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