Robert Gillan born on August 26, 1916 was the youngest of the four. He had an older brother, Bill, and two older sisters. He was the smallest of the four. He started school when he was five years old. He was the youngest in the school. At the age of five, Robert could read, write, say his ABC's, and count to one hundred. He started in Frog's Glory School No.13 in Jefferson Township. In March of 1922, Robert's father got a better job near Thorntown and Robert and his siblings moved from Frog's Glory to Taylor School No. 7 in Sugar Creek Township. As he got older he wanted to be a teacher. He went on and got all his degrees in teaching. He and his wife still live in Sugar Creek Township in Boone County. Robert Gillan is a very wise old man. The interview we had with him was so full of information it lasted for hours. The clip above is only a very small section describing his first day at school.

This is a picture of Bob Gillan at the first school that he attended.
He is the boy in the middle of the front row.